Does the author struggle with the concept of fiction?
Does the author struggle with the concept of fiction?
Probably would require them to actually pay moderators! The horror!
You’re only at war with your sanity.
Fuck yml, all my homies hate yml
Rotate the keys, the old one is on the Internet forever
Tru fax
Man, thats bullshit. Any real dev wpuld know that react is the best framework
God I hope it comes out soon and it scratches that bethesda itch
I really liked Mad Max and Days Gone where the focus was upgrading your one vehicle. I really wish there was more out there like it, but Im unaware of any.
Didnt they do that in the original?
No, I was agreeing with you, just adding another example
Whats the position of vim?
Imo, its better for it. A tool shouldnt tell the user what to do
Its javascript, itll just let you do that
Copied from above comment:
Skyrim base + special edition = 28.5k
Fallout 4 = 18k
Fallout 76 = 8.3k
Starfield = 9.2k
Same. Played for 40 hours, did the ranger questline, went “is thats it?” And basically felt no urge to play again.
Whatever gets them votes. Actual conservatives would at least pretend to care about the economy.
What is that, Vue?