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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023

  • Just a thought, but since someone else in the thread said you can stream to Chromecast via VLC, you can desktop capture natively in VLC and stream that to your Chromecast. I can’t remember if the native capture can do sound or not, but if not, you can instead use OBS virtual cam (you’ll need v4l2loopback for the virtual cam to show up), and open that as a capture device in VLC. You should be able to attach an audio source to that as well. While I haven’t personally tested it with audio, I have used OBS virtual cam with VLC before, and it worked flawlessly for me. If you can’t find a more elegant solution, then it’s worth a shot to try and see if it works

  • While I haven’t personally tried it, I’ve heard people have issues with cooling when using the M.2 hat, especially when using their Pi for intensive applications (like hosting a Minecraft server). I’d honestly recommend just getting a 2.5" USB drive enclosure and an SSD. Costs about the same amount of money without the drawback of poor cooling. You can use it with any case, since it just connects via USB. I have been running my Pi this way for years (in fact I have never used an SD card in it).

  • I agree with this sentiment 100%, but I think it lacks some of the context that these are children we are talking about. They aren’t being educated on privacy or security; not by their schools, and certainly not by their parents. This generation is being raised to believe that everything they do and say needs to be posted online to social media, and their concept of privacy is virtually nonexistent. Couple that with the fact that most of them don’t have a personal computer, and it leads to great levels of negligence with regard to their use of technology, and most relevant to this discussion, their use of school computers. The children being surveiled and exploited by this software don’t have the education on it to understand why it is bad, or even that it is happening to begin with.

    So while yes, they shouldn’t have private communications on school computers, they don’t have the context to understand that or independently come to that conclusion themselves, thus those private communications will happen nonetheless.