It was! I still have mine somewhere in the house. It was my kodi media player for a long time.
It was! I still have mine somewhere in the house. It was my kodi media player for a long time.
Hey man I have no idea if it is the same, I’m a noon, but I had issues with a kernel update recently with my Debian home server and lost Ethernet too. I couldn’t fix but I reverted the kernel update and voila my ethernet started working again. If this bothers you and like me you don’t have much knowledge years you could try that .
Yeah once I forgot I had an external drive on one of the USB ports on my PC and created an Ubuntu drive with dd and just sent it do /dev/sdb …lost all movies I had on it. After that I always check with df -h or fdisk -l
Yeah I thought the same thing…why I would wanna ai in my navidrome server…kept me thinking