Canadian software engineer living in Europe.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • You make an excellent point. I have a lot more patience for something I can understand, control, and most importantly, modify to my needs. Compared to an iThing (when it’s interacting with other iThings anyway) Linux is typically embarrassingly user hostile.

    Of course, if you want your iThing to do something Apple hasn’t decided you should want to do, it’s a Total Fucking Nightmare to get working, so you use the OS that supports your priorities.

    Still, I really appreciate the Free software that goes out of its way to make things easy, and it’s something I prioritise in my own Free software offerings.

  • Actually, I stepped away from the project 'cause I stopped using it altogether. I started the project to satisfy the British government with their ridiculous requirements for proof of my relationship with my wife so I could live here. Once I was settled though and didn’t need to be able to bring up flight itineraries from 5 years ago, it stopped being something I needed.

    Well that, and lemme tell you, maintaining a popular Free software project is HARD. Everyone has an idea of where stuff should go, but most of the contributions come in piecemeal, so you’re left mostly acting as the one trying to wrangle different styles and architectures into something cohesive… while you’re also holding down a day job. It was stressful to say the least, and with a kid on the way, something had to give.

    But every once in a while I consider installing paperless-ngx just to see how it’s come along, and how much has changed. I’m absolutely delighted that it’s been running and growing in my absence, and from the screenshots alone, I see that a lot of the ideas people had when I was helming made it in in the end.