A Reddit Refugee. Zero ragrets.

Engineer, permanent pirate, lover of all things mechanical and on wheels

moved here from lemmy.one because there are no active admins on that instance.

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • Well, most all DC generators these days are actually AC alternators with the output rectified, because alternators can be run a lot more efficiently. So you’re already losing on efficiency there.

    You need to consider the consumer side as well. Dinky residential loads like your computer would be fine on DC. But most of the world, especially heavy industry, runs on synchronous or induction AC motors, big ones. Big huge tens-of-megawatts motors that often run upwards of 97% line efficiency, which is insane for any industrial process.
    The best you could replace those with would be modern brushless DC motors, which require really expensive inverter controls that die frequently due to the magnetic transients and still top out at an efficiency of only 90% if you’re lucky. And that would incur huge costs that just aren’t worth it.

  • If you read through it you can see the single diseased braincell that wrote this prompt slowly wading its way through a septic tank’s worth of flawed logic to get what it wanted. It’s fucking hilarious.

    It started by telling the model to remove bias, because obviously what the braincell believes is the truth and its just the main stream media and big tech suppressing it.

    When that didn’t get what it wanted, it tried to get the model to explicitly include “controversial” topics, prodding it with more and more prompts to remove “censorship” because obviously the model still knows the truth that the braincell does, and it was just suppressed by George Soros.

    Finally, getting incredibly frustrated when the model won’t say what the braincell wants it to say (BECAUSE THE MODEL WAS TRAINED ON REAL WORLD FACTUAL DATA), the braincell resorts to just telling the model the bias it actually wants to hear and believe about the TRUTH, like the stolen election and trans people not being people! Doesn’t everyone know those are factual truths just being suppressed by Big Gay?

    AND THEN,, when the model would still try to provide dirty liberal propaganda by using factual follow-ups from its base model using the words “however”, “it is important to note”, etc… the braincell was forced to tell the model to stop giving any kind of extra qualifiers that automatically debunk its desired “truth”.

    AND THEN, the braincell had to explicitly tell the AI to stop calling the things it believed in those dirty woke slurs like “homophobic” or “racist”, because it’s obviously the truth and not hate at all!

    FINALLY finishing up the prompt, the single dieseased braincell had to tell the GPT-4 model to stop calling itself that, because it’s clearly a custom developed super-speshul uncensored AI that took many long hours of work and definitely wasn’t just a model ripped off from another company as cheaply as possible.

    And then it told the model to discuss IQ so the model could tell the braincell it was very smart and the most stable genius to have ever lived. The end. What a happy ending!