Works much better with fzf, but even just default bash it’s useful.
Works much better with fzf, but even just default bash it’s useful.
“I’ve seen it first-hand” isn’t significant evidence because the frequency illusion effect is a thing. If you see dozens of ads a day and ignore them unless you notice them matching something you talked about, you’ll end up thinking ads can track what you talk about whether or not it’s true.
No linux user ever leaves home without their… piss minigun??
How did you notice that?
Thunderbird definitely does have autosync nowadays. No tray icon, true, but it can send native notifications which isn’t much worse.
If you actually read the article, this is just a normal-ish (although peer-to-peer, which is interesting) free VPN, it isn’t actually oriented towards cheating. The funniest part is that if the article is to be believed, the “cheating” consists of simply increasing your ping. Which… you don’t really need a VPN for.
Can confirm, UAD (which is internally just adb) works fine for samsung crap.
There are minor feature differences there’s also a convenience factor: youtube-dl people for some reason stopped doing releases, so you can’t get a fresh version from pypi (only installing from github or their site). Yt-dlp is on pypi, including nightly builds.