What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Can you tell us about your app?
Privacy is a basic human right.
No one is saying that.
Sorry to hear that. Best of luck with your future projects though.
or to boost their erection
That’s an excellent issue for you to research on your own time! If you know anyone on the OverWatch development team you could ask for their input as well. Please report back to this thread with your findings, we’re all very interested in the results.
“oh no please don’t promote our game for us by sharing your Sephiroth In Glasses Topping Cloud In A Catgirl Outfit mod”
The issue here was that fortnite broadcasts locations of enemy players in packet data, not that it trusts clients “with anything”… where did you get that from?
Why impossible? Server-authoritative programming is common in PVP gaming, even high-performance recent games. I don’t think anyone is suggesting lazily loading chunks of player data like wandering into a new chunk in Minecraft. Just write efficient, clean code that anonymizes or encrypts player data so it can’t be read client-side.
please don’t do a failed clone (torchlight)
oh i remember call of duty from grade school
Looks like the cat got bird boxed
Why is that image so god damned funny
Jesus Christ
How else you gonna cyber bully the transfer student
skip this advertisement by inserting the Lowes Christmas 24 Dildo into your ass and maintaining a fully-powered state for at least 5 seconds
I just want to serve https, not get someone’s dick permanently installed in my ass
Thank you