Onno (VK6FLAB)

Anything and everything Amateur Radio and beyond. Heavily into Open Source and SDR, working on a multi band monitor and transmitter.

#geek #nerd #hamradio VK6FLAB #podcaster #australia #ITProfessional #voiceover #opentowork

  • 0 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024

  • Your modem will likely keep connection statistics which will tell you how much data was downloaded and uploaded.

    Ookla speedtest.net will give you an indication of your network speed. I have a cron job that logs the speed with their cli client every 5 hours and I use it to keep my ISP mostly honest.

    The resulting data can also be used to map peak network congestion so you don’t end up with network buffering issues when you are watching the latest episode on your favourite streaming service.

  • I experienced this crazy onslaught of advertising to the point of reducing how much I watched YouTube. I was pretty upset and not at all inclined to pay, especially since YouTube was even putting ads on my own videos without me seeing a single cent, because my channel is too small.

    Then my partner bought me a few months of a Premium Subscription as a Christmas gift.

    It was pointed out to me that I watched more YouTube than any other streaming service which I was paying for.

    Combined with background music on mobile, it’s changed my life.

    I’m still unimpressed with the business model, but the alternative is so far worse.

    Find me a self publishing video platform with the reach of YouTube that doesn’t require self hosting and I’ll happily move my content there.

  • The business model to require paid credits in order to interact with bots is in my opinion a thing of sheer bastardry.

    Apparently, this is how it works: (*)

    Women were on the site for free, men were required to pay for and use credits in order to interact with women.

    It appears that there weren’t anywhere near the numbers of women claimed by the company. Instead bots would communicate with men, using their credits in the process.

    (*) I say works, because apparently the company still exists today and I’m not aware if they ever admitted to using bots, let alone discontinuing their use. The Netflix series goes into detail, which is where I got this understanding from.

    Disclaimer: I’m not a customer, have never been one and my comments are based on a single source as described above.